A symbiotic relationship between the surrounding environment and the house

Initially I wanted to place my house designs into a snowy backdrop. This was mainly for aesthetic reasons and to demonstrate the robust nature of the houses design. 
But some of the technology (namely the rain water collection tech) I wanted to integrate into the house would be unsuitable for this environment. If this was to be a viable design I needed the house and the environment to work together. 

With that in mind I needed to choose an environment that allowed for all the eco tech I wanted to use. This environment also had to be naturally beautifully and isolated. Isolated because as this a self sustaining house and I want to illustrate that this house can exist without modern conveniences. To demonstrate 'off grid' living.

This led me to chose the Scottish highlands (or any similar environment around the world) Solar panels, wind turbines and rain water collection would all be viable in this environment.

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