Solar panel configurations

Initially I modelled some standard solar panels, this is a common layout in today's market. Although this works fine it doesn't sit with  aesthetically well with my concept house. This concept house is a showcase of contemporary design and architecture, standard solar panels would clash with this image.

This led me to design and model these hexagon shaped solar panels. These were visually more interesting than the square panels and also tied into the hexagon theme that I was utilising through my design, namely on the exterior cladding. These hexagon panels were more consistent with the design of the rest of the house and project at large.

These solar panels (once fixed to the roof of the house) would be featured in the final property brochure, illustrating the benefits of having solar panels on the house. I don't want to get too technical when describing these panels, too much technical information would put off a potential customer. It's only important to sell the concept at this stage.

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