Wind turbine integration

These concepts were attempting to integrate the wind turbines into the structure of the house in a way that would become an interesting design feature.I was trying to avoid just placing a wind turbine on the roof as it would break up the lines of the house. 
I decided placing the turbines into the actual structure of the house was the best way forward. These turbine walls were the result of some concept modelling. At this stage I wasn't happy with how the turbine wall was sitting on top of the house, even with the colour and shape varitions.   
Also the actual turbines themselves looked very thin and flimsy, a more robust turbine will be added in the future. 

Design influenced by:

"The polka dotted hyper-efficient exoskeleton shell simultaneously provides building structure, thermal mass for insulation, shading for natural cooling, enclosure for terraces, armatures for turbines, and loggias for congregating on the ground." 

This building aimed to showcase a dynamic synergy between architecture and ecology, a philosophy that my building shares.

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