Brochure design- Front cover

The front cover of the brochure will be a very important element of the properties presentation. It will be the first image of the house a potential customer will see so it's important that it entices the viewer. I didn't want to simply show the entire house straight away as I wanted it to be revealed within the brochure, this insures the viewer is already reading the brochure. 
This is a more abstract angle of the house but it clearly shows the hexagon cladding and the wind turbines, two main features of the house.

Rough draft of the front cover, using a basic screen shot of the 3d model. This allowed me to quickly visualise the front cover without having to process a render.   

Although the black and white version gave a sense of sophistication and contemporary design the overall image seemed too ominous and oppressive. This may have worked for another project but it would not be appropriate for this house. This housing project should give a sense of clean living, freshness and natural beauty. The cloudy sky looked too sinister so that would have to be changed to either show less cloud or add some colour. 

Inspiration for the initial black and white front page design 


Added colour

The purple and orange cover did not work either, the sky looked like it was full of smoke or smog, not appropriate for an environmentally friendly house. 

Final version

The vibrant blue sky add some much needed colour to the image. The clear blue sky also adds a sense of freshness and clean living. 
The tag line 'Green,contemporary, living' adds some extra information on what the brochure will contain and immediately communicates to the user the themes of this housing project. As the house is called 'Wind House' showing the turbines on the front cover would be appropriate.

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