Interior: Kitchen

Inspiration for the kitchen scene

The kitchen area of the room that experienced the most change from beginning to end. I began with a composition that included all the the kitchen and partially the window and stairs. While testing i realised that this composition was not working, it was flat and uninteresting. The black table and lights were against the black kitchen unit, this would not have worked. Also the slanted window could be an attractive centre piece for this composition and it was barley being included. 

Below can be seen the new and final composition. Previously the kitchen would be a double spread A4 page but I changed this to a single A4 page potrait composition. Every other room was a double spread so this added some variety to the brochure. It also allowed me to include an 'interior introduction' page to the left of the CGI. This would allow the brochure to flow better. Throughout this process the rug was changed and the wood inlay of the kitchen was swapped out several times. 

Simple introduction page

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